Tuesday, August 21, 2018

ian crouse

Vimin's Veil 
Ian Crouse
(Copyright 2018)
Book Two in 'The Blood Thorne Series!'

Coming soon!

After a six-year hiatus, the serial killer reemerges and follows Addie to Rome. With the help of her uncle, who has been named and elevated to Cardinal by the Pope, Addie sifts through the private vaults of the Vatican for clues to who, or what has taunted her for years and the world for the past 19 centuries.

While finding important information regarding faith, religion, the universe, and the truth to many questions that the world would love to know, she falls short of finding anything conclusive on her longtime obsession, the killer.
The romance of Rome can’t be ignored and Gabe takes this time to open up about the depth of his love for Addie. On a quiet night, he gets one step closer to what they want but the inevitable future and knowledge of what's ahead making it almost pointless. Or does it? As the killer turns his eye towards the Vatican, God is enjoying the ‘Free Will’ of his creations.

Deep within the back streets and alleyways of Rome, Gabe makes a startling discovery about the city and mankind. He explains this information to Addie as she can’t believe that it was staring the world in the face since its construction. The information links directly to the Vatican and gives Addie vital information to why the Catholic Church has suppressed all that’s beyond these climate controlled enclosures.

The anger she harbors within her rages as she finally figures out who and what she has been chasing all these years. Confronting ‘It’ on this historical day leads to a dynamic between the two that confirms an inescapable conflict of Biblical proportions.


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